
Dimensional Eclipse | C3:02 - Passed Judgement | Mission 15 [Insane]

2014-06-14 16 Dailymotion

A Playthrough of the FreeSpace 2 Modification Dimensional Eclipse created by the Pettanyaa Studios in 2012 on Insane Difficulty by Novachen.

This playthrough was created on version 1.0 of Dimensional Eclipse.

You can download the current version 1.1b, that differs in many ways, here:

After the High Judgement's escorts are down, there is nothing left that stands between us and our ultimate goal. Bring the High Judgement down, once and for all!

Your first priority should be any bomb you see as well the bombers. Attack the fighters at last. Use the Shriekir to attack several bombers simultaneously.
Do not destroy Glaive 1, after it hull drops below 35% it will be deactivated. Ignore it then.
Because some of the Karambit can miss their target, use Yaris as well.
Deactivate Glide or slow down during Glide to increase the chance that the Karambit hits the beams on the High Judgement.
Ignore the Fortitude of Souls, it will escape mostly, but occasionally it will go down, too. Either, it does not have an effect on debriefing.

Played and recorded by:
Jenna "Novachen" Trassa

Questions and Feedback in German and English would be appreciated, but is also possible in French, Spanish and Chinese, because my sister is able to read and understand it. But do not expect an answer in the same language.
If you want direct contact, please e-mail to [email protected].